Getting Started

Follow these steps to get started with Ratio

Step 1: Obtain a ClientID & Secret

Get started with a sandbox account here.

Base URLs



Step 2: Select an Integration Method

Step 3: Review the Sandbox Test Data

Review the sandbox test data you will use to product predictable API responses.

Additional Setup for Mobile Apps

Provide a Redirect URI or Android Package Name

Users will link their bank account to their Ratio account using Plaid. You must provide us with a redirect URI or Android package name.

You do not need to set up an account with Plaid since the user is connecting to Ratio directly.

Please send the redirect URI or Android package name to

iOS apps

Provide a redirect URI that matches what you send in your requestLink calls

Android apps

Provide an Android Package Name that matches what you send in your requestLink calls

Install the Plaid SDK

Expand for info about Plaid's React Native, iOS, and Android SDKs

React Native SDK

Android SDK


Last updated